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IG#24: 5 simple steps for not missing a workout again

"I don't have time to train" won't be an excuse from today anymore.

IG#24: 5 simple steps for not missing a workout again
Members Public

IG#23: Leading with Precision: Running Razor-Sharp One-on-One Meetings

Everything I've learned in 7 years as a manager about running a 1:1 meeting.

IG#23: Leading with Precision: Running Razor-Sharp One-on-One Meetings
Members Public

IG#22: A pragmatic guide to personal goal setting

How I use OKRs to keep track of my personal goals, a new life hack: digital intermittent fasting, and more

IG#22: A pragmatic guide to personal goal setting
Members Public

IG#21: The Six Levels of Delegation

Are you struggling to delegate your tasks? Here's a helpful framework for you, + 2 productivity hacks from Marc Andreesen himself, + more.

IG#21: The Six Levels of Delegation
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IG#20: Product-Market-Fit isn't enough

Why you need more than PMF, multi-layered calendars, and more

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IG#19: What were to happen if we live longer, & what you can do today to increase your odds

In some scientific circles, Aging is considered a disease. Diseases can be cured. Here's what you can do today to "heal" aging, and a few implications if this is actually true. (+ a new mental model)

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Unlock 4 Extra Hours Per Day: The Ultimate Guide to Time Mastery

How I reclaimed 4 hours per day by structuring my life

Unlock 4 Extra Hours Per Day: The Ultimate Guide to Time Mastery
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IG#18: how to be successful, the minimum viable morning routine, & reclaiming 11 hours per week

Companies that are hard to compete with are valuable. But have you ever thought about implementing a competitive moat for yourself?

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#17: the power of tiny interactions, being busy = being lazy, & more

Take out your AirPods more often and be happier.

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Invite your friends to read International Generalist, and get cool stuff

Share the wealth, and get something in return.

Invite your friends to read International Generalist, and get cool stuff