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Q: What advice would you give a fresh graduate with a desire for entrepreneurship?

8 pieces of advice that I've learned in the past 7 years.

Q: What advice would you give a fresh graduate with a desire for entrepreneurship?
Members Public

International Generalist #4: Four-Day Workweek, Vitamin D, Pricing & Scalable Acquisition Channels

Take your vitamins. And chill on Wednesdays.

International Generalist #4: Four-Day Workweek, Vitamin D, Pricing & Scalable Acquisition Channels
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International Generalist #3: Logistics vs. Strategy, Generalists vs. Specialists, Sleep & Beer

The best strategy is worthless if you don’t get the logistics right. The best idea is worthless if you cannot execute.

Members Public

10X Productivity by capitalizing on your Circadian Rhythm. How? Try this method. (Free resource included)

Some of us are morning larks, some are night owls. How does this impact your productivity, and how can you test this? Here's a tool to track your own data, and then make improvements based on it.

10X Productivity by capitalizing on your Circadian Rhythm. How? Try this method. (Free resource included)
Members Public

International Generalist #2: becoming a better manager, delegation, environmental design, Texas BBQ

What Will Smith, Matt Mochary and my former cleaning lady all have in common.

International Generalist #2: becoming a better manager, delegation, environmental design, Texas BBQ
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The Not-To-Do List for 2023

Everybody talks about things they want to do this year. Instead, let's talk about what not to do in 2023.

The Not-To-Do List for 2023
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International Generalist #1: Past-Year Review, Caffeine, 30 Life Hacks

Hey you! First of all - you’re awesome, joining me from day 1. Today, we’ll talk about the concept of the “Past-Year-Review” and what I’ve learned from it, caffeine, and a few other life hacks. Let’s dive in. #1: Past-Year Review New year, new me. I’

International Generalist #1: Past-Year Review, Caffeine, 30 Life Hacks
Members Public

Welcome to International Generalist, Dominik's new newsletter!

“When you can’t stop thinking about doing something, at some point, you need to exorcise the demons - by just doing it.” We all know this feeling: the one thing that you always wanted to do, always tried to do, but never quite stuck with - and yet, you

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4 Things You Can Do To Stay Replenished

“There are two types of wells: one is empty, and whenever some water goes into it, it’s directly emptied again. The other is full…

4 Things You Can Do To Stay Replenished
Members Public

Valuable Resources for Internationalization

Going international is tough — yet there’s very little literature on it. Here’s some good stuff.

Valuable Resources for Internationalization