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For everyone chasing the Four-Hour Workweek, COVID-19 is a blessing. Here’s why.

Input can’t be observed now, only output. Make it count.

For everyone chasing the Four-Hour Workweek, COVID-19 is a blessing. Here’s why.
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What I Took Away From: “Do Nothing” by Celeste Headlee

A book about our incapability to chill the fuck out.

What I Took Away From: “Do Nothing” by Celeste Headlee
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They key to working out successfully? Simple: A workout program.

You don’t need the latest fad, CBD oil, or steroids. An individualized workout program will do.

They key to working out successfully? Simple: A workout program.
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Tired of getting injured? Get a strength coach. Now.

There is no shortcut to success — but getting a strength coach might be the next closest thing.

Tired of getting injured? Get a strength coach. Now.
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Work Hard, Recover Hard: Getting Shit Done Without Working Yourselves To Death

Intensity. Whatever you do, do it with Intensity.

Work Hard, Recover Hard: Getting Shit Done Without Working Yourselves To Death
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New Month, New You

The New Month Resolution: A resolution that sticks.

New Month, New You
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I quit Instagram for a month, and it was awesome.

The first of many “new month’s resolutions” to come.

I quit Instagram for a month, and it was awesome.
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Finding Simplicity In Country Music

Living in unprecedented times means going back to basics.

Finding Simplicity In Country Music
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7 ways to stay motivated when everything you’ve been looking forward to is suddenly gone

“Next season isn’t cancelled, it’s just a longer offseason.”

7 ways to stay motivated when everything you’ve been looking forward to is suddenly gone
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Coronavirus: Why Germany needs to go on lockdown now, and what you can do to help.

Panic is bad, but overreaction is good.

Coronavirus: Why Germany needs to go on lockdown now, and what you can do to help.