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Dominik Nitsch

Hi, I'm Dominik.

I write a weekly newsletter for generalists, where I share actionable strategies to allow you to do all the things you’ve always wanted to do (and not just one).

Some people say it's "one of the few newsletters they read every time". Others – like my grandma – say "please take me off your mailing list". See for yourself.

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Recent Posts

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What to do when you feel like you should know everything [#63]

The more we learn, the less we know. And that’s okay.

What to do when you feel like you should know everything [#63]
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Screw finding your passion [#62]

How to build a portfolio of things you're passionate about instead of chasing the elusive Ikigai.

Screw finding your passion [#62]
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How to avoid getting stuck in high school

Here's a key to level up in real life – just like you would in a video game.

How to avoid getting stuck in high school